
I have some problems understanding the workflow and the correct settings for the new workspaces module in TYPO3 4.5.

I have two backend users: an editor and a publisher.

I have some backend user groups:
- "role_editors" for the editors
- "role_publisher" for the publishers
- "access_website1" for the mount points of the desired website

A backend user gets now to groups: For the editor "role_editors" and "access_website1" and the publisher "role_publisher" and "access_website1". The group "access_website1" ist a member of the draft workspace, the owner of this workspace is empty.

The editor can only work in the draft workspace while the publisher can work in both, the live and the draft workspace. So far so good.

The editor changes a content element in the draft workspace and pushs the stage to "ready to publish". From now on he can't change the state back to "editing".

Now the publisher reviews the change and wants to set it back to stage "editing" oder want to publish the change. But he can't because the checkbox in from of the item is not available.

If I fill in "access_website1" as the owner of the workspace, both have the checkbox, but the editor can now publish to the live workspace without having access to it - and of course this is not wanted.

How can the publisher set the stage or publish the change? How can the editor change the stage back to "editing". In the documentation of the workspaces extension I can't find anything related to that.

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