Am Wed, 20 Apr 2011 11:39:51 +0700 schrieb May Dara:

> Dear TYPO3 user group,
> I have one problem with country condition in TypoScript:
> I want to display link text and its linked page depend on the country.
> When people access my website from country A the text shows countryA and
> link to page countryA and when people access beside country A, the text
> should shows countryB and link to page countryB.
> Please help me with giving some hints or answer.

first: how do you decide country?

the correct way is detecting the IP, lookup the provider and decide the 
country (big tables are available but never up to date)
You also may use the geolocation of modern browser, but every user may 
protect this information, as it is available at all

easier ways:
Language selection of user:
- default languages of browser
- call of website by language specific domain
- user selection on website (L-parameter in URl)

how will the link be set?
- text-content-element
- menu
- plugin
- typoscript

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