Hi Domi,

to render your content elements in frontend just use the following typoscript snippet. In the following example you have a two column layout.

tt_content.gridelements_pi1 {
  20.10.setup {
    # 1 = The uid of your CE backend layout
    1 {
      columns {
        # 1 = the first column number
        # you can use stdWrap properties
        1 {
          renderObj =< tt_content
          wrap = <div class="col">|</div>
        # 2 = the second column number
        2 {
          renderObj =< tt_content
          wrap = <div class="col">|</div>

      # here you can use also stdWrap properties
      # also you can include fields from your
      # flexform configuration (here: color)
      stdWrap.wrap = <div class="grid-50-50 {field:flexform_color}">|</div>
      stdWrap.insertData = 1

I hope this helps you.


Am 16.12.2011 04:33, schrieb Domi:

I just try out the new gridelements extension, which brings very nice
DragnDrop feature for the content elements in the BE. I created some CE
Layouts and was able including them into the page.
How do I adjust my CEs frontend rendering? there is no additional
markup. Also the grid container and grid container columns in the tab
extended are empty.

Does anybody has a working configuration of gridelements?


Cheers Dominic

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