Hi Jan,

without having checked the code, I would suggest to not ignore such requirements. TYPO3 CMS Core dropped PHP 5.2 support with TYPO3 CMS version 4.6 entirely, so you are better off upgrading your hosting package to a more modern software package.

But of course you are free to try and look wheter it works or not. Good look with this :)

Best Anja

Am 20.12.2012 07:50, schrieb Jan Bednarik:
Hey guys,

I've noticed that latest TV requires PHP 5.3.0. However, my webhosting
still runs 5.2.x. I was wondering whether there's really something 5.3.0
only in the TV's code or it's just the constraint in ext_emconf file and
it's safe to ignore it.


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