Hello Kay,

I know the difference between 4.x and 6.x (http://forum.typo3.org/index.php/t/194848/). I successively xclassed those classes:

$extPath = t3lib_extMgm::extPath('imagickimg');

return array(
'ux_GraphicalFunctions' => $extPath . 'Classes/Xclass/GraphicalFunctions.php',
        'ux_GifBuilder' => $extPath . 'Classes/Xclass/GifBuilder.php',
        'ux_ThumbnailView' => $extPath . 'Classes/Xclass/ThumbnailView.php',
'ux_LocalPreviewHelper' => $extPath . 'Classes/Xclass/LocalPreviewHelper.php', 'ux_ContentObjectRenderer' => $extPath . 'Classes/Xclass/ContentObjectRenderer.php', 'ux_ElementInformationController' => $extPath . 'Classes/Xclass/ElementInformationController.php'

But I have problem with LocalPreviewHelper class. This class is instanitated in LocalImageProcessor::getHelperByTaskName by makeInstance with "$this" as second parameter.

My ux_LocalPreviewHelper has devLog entries inside but I don't see this in the "Developer Log" browser.

I also tried to overload the constructor and invoke parent constructor but this leads to an Exception: "#1: PHP Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to ux_LocalPreviewHelper::__construct() must be an instance of LocalImageProcessor, instance of TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Processing\LocalImageProcessor given in D:\wamp\www\mysite.local\typo3conf\ext\imagickimg\Classes\Xclass\LocalPreviewHelper.php line 37 "

This is how beginning of my ux_LocalPreviewHelper looks:

use \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource, \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility;

class ux_LocalPreviewHelper extends \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Processing\LocalPreviewHelper {

        private $extKey = 'imagickimg';

        public function __construct(LocalImageProcessor $processor) {

        public function process(TaskInterface $task) {
                if (TYPO3_DLOG)
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::devLog(__METHOD__, $this->extKey);

                $targetFile = $task->getTargetFile();

If I comment out the constructor then I see no exceptions but there are also no devLog entries and no images too.

I'm checking if my XClasses are loaded in ADMIN TOOLS -> Configuration -> $TYPO3_CONF_VARS->SYS->Objects.

Any ideas appreciated.


W dniu 2013-03-29 09:38, Kay Strobach pisze:
Hello Tomasz,

there is a different between TYPO3 4.5 and 6.0!


It's important, that prior 6.0 each class needs the xclass loop. In 6.0
you may use the autoloading mechanism for xclassing ;)

Xclassing is only working if you use t3lib_div::makeInstance.
Xclasses are ignored by "new".

In the reports module you should find a list of your defined xclasses.
Ensure a proper ext_autoload file!


Am 28.03.13 20:49, schrieb Tomasz Krawczyk:
is it possible to XClass a class which takes some parameters in its

Most times, yes, but the interface must be equal!
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