Hi all,

Last week I upgraded several sites to use PHP 5.4 and today I discovered some really weird and problematic behaviour:

In a standart tt_content text record there is this content in the database:

<h3>2013 </h3>
<i>Werkgroep De Negentiende Eeuw<br /></i>Congres 'Keerpunt 1813', Amsterdam, 13-12-2013.
<hr />

But on the site it comes out as this:

<h3>2013 </h3>
<p class="bodytext"><i>Werkgroep De Negentiende Eeuw<br /></i><hr />
<p class="bodytext">&nbsp;</p>

Nothing wrong with the tags, but there is a whole line of text missing.
What's worse is that if you try to edit the record in the BE, you'll see nothing, and after saving everything is gone!

First I thought it was something specific for this server (Debian 7, mostly standard config), but it turns out my local dev environment (also on PHP 5.4, but now Ubuntu) shows the same behaviour. Not with all records, just some.

The only thing I can think of is a PHP 5.4 compatibility issue in the RTE transformations and/or rendering. I have not found any related issues yet on forge or the lists. Thank you for any pointers!

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