
Pero Peric wrote:
ah TYPO3, TYPO3.. 5 millions of features, fluid, space ship enterprises
and when it comes to elementary modules like search.. indexed search not
good for many pages, mnoGoSearch indexes something i didn't tell him to
index, solr probably good but ofcourse java + tomcat bla bla.. What am i
left with.. maybe this ke_search but based on experience something is
probably wrong there too :-) And we are talking about module that is
almost on every site. ah..

Maybe this people that are putting so much effort in things like fluid
and space ship enterprises could come down to earth a bit and make some
built in fast working search to replace indexed search, but it seems
that's not so fancy.. ah..

For mnoGoSearch I had to uses mnoGoSearch'es own indexer, which is not highly customizable. It is a crawler and indexer all-in-one. The problem you described comes from the way mnoGoSearch works.

For now I would suggest Solr as a much better alternative. I hate java & products that use java but I was able to set up the whole thing in about two hours without any prior experience. It is really not that difficult if you have a little *nix, xml and console skills.

Dmitry Dulepov

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