
Bernd Wilke wrote:
I have to upgrade an old 4.5 to 7.6 and so cooluri is not ready for 7.6
I should use realurl.
but all the old urls should stay the same!

but there is a strange configuration where cooluri skipped the last
path-segment of the news-detail page. And I cant get it to work in
realurl. the configuration of pages is a little bit akward:

I use realurl 2.0.10

[2] home
+- [5] Aktuelles (shortcut to 2)
| +- [15] News-detail
| +- [134] current news (shortcut to 5)
| +- [67] Archive
| :

the news are shown on page 2 as list
the detail page is 15.
the former urls for single news were like

It is easier to make a 301 redirect to the new URL or make Aktuelles display both single and list.

Dmitry Dulepov

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