We posted it also in bugs:

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 12:53 AM, Andreas Becker <ab.bec...@web.de> wrote:

> Hi
> It seems that in 4.5.2 a localconf.php gets set to 0 - complete empty, when
> you are deleting or installing an extension from extension manager and the
> permissions of typo3conf are wrong. We were able to recreate this issue if
> the permissions are i.e. user:root and 777 if they are user:user. The
> agency
> who called us had a site were the localconf had no content at all and the
> install tool was called after inserting ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL.
> It seems that typo3 is deleting the complete file and replacing it with a 0
> file without making a copy of localconf.php.
> IMHO it would actuially be good to have some routine which always produces
> at least one copy of the localconf.php if a value in localconf.php gets
> changed. This would help to switch back much easier.
> Does someone else has experrienced also this behaviour?
> Andi
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