
ich spiele gerade zum ersten Mal mit der Core-Extention 'form' rum. In der Doku 
"You are not bound to the following FORM objects. Whenever FORM will be put in 
TypoScript, the contents of this property will be sent to the FORM plugin, however you 
can use regular TYPO3 content objects (cObjects) as well, just like you are used to do. 
This means you have the possibility to add COA, TEXT or even HMENU in the FORM 

.. genau das will mir allerdings nicht gelingen. Bei folgender TS-Konfiguration 
werden die TEXT-cObjects (10 & 40) jedenfalls nicht gerendert:

formKontakt = FORM
   formKontakt {
       enctype = multipart/form-data
       method = post
       prefix = tx_form

       layout {
           textline (
               <label />
               <input class="form-control" />
           elementWrap (
               <div class="form-group">
                   <element />
           containerWrap (
               <div class="row">
                   <elements />

       10 = TEXT
       10.wrap = <div class="col-md-4">|
       20 = TEXTLINE
       20 {
               name = name
               label {
                       value = Ihr Name
       30 = TEXTLINE
       30 {
               name = email
               label {
                       value = Ihre E-Mail
       40 = TEXT
       40.wrap = |</div>
       50 = TEXTAREA
       50 {
               rows = 5
               name = message
               label {
                       value = Ihre Nachricht an uns
       60 = SUBMIT
       60 {
               name = 5
               value = Senden

Hat jemand einen Tipp, was ich falsch mache?

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