
I am working with a custom board based on the AT91SAM9260 with a Micrel
KSZ8041 physical layer.  The ethernet appears to work fine in u-boot, but
neither of the lights on the jack are working, however I can tftp files
through the ethernet port.  My bigger problem is that in Linux I cannot
connect to my network, all of the RX packets show are listed as errors.  I
am trying to rule-out a hardware issue so I wanted to check to see if anyone
is working with the Micrel KSZ8041, and whether the lights should be
working, and if they had gotten it working under Linux.  Also, if anyone
knows of a difference between the u-boot ethernet and linux kernel ethernet
that may be causing the problem I would appreciate any insight.  I have
tried the 2.6.24, 2.6.25, and 2.6.27 kernels.

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