Hi all

this is probably a beginers question, but I am finding strange things 
when booting with the BDI2000 on my mpc8548 CPU v2 board. I am using the 
bdi config for rev2 silicon as shown below: Am i missing something?

    ;bdiGDB configuration file for SDH/SONET Gateway (MPC8548)
    ; based on configuration file for CDS8548 Rev.2 silicon

    ; Move the L2SRAM to the initial MMU page (MPC8548 rev2 silicon)
    WM32 0xFF720E44 0x0000001C ;L2ERRDIS: disable parity error
    WM32 0xFF720000 0x60010000 ;L2CTL
    WM32 0xFF720100 0xFFF80000 ;L2SRBAR0 (rev.2): map to 0x0_FFF80000
    WM32 0xFF720104 0x00000000 ;L2SRBAREA0 (Rev.2)
    WM32 0xFF720000 0xA0010000 ;L2CTL

    CPUTYPE 8548 ;the CPU type
    JTAGCLOCK 0 ;use 16 MHz JTAG clock
    POWERUP 5000 ;start delay after power-up detected in ms
    WAKEUP 500 ;give reset time to complete
    BREAKMODE HARD ;SOFT or HARD, HARD uses PPC hardware breakpoint
    STEPMODE HWBP ;JTAG or HWBP, HWBP uses a hardware breakpoint
    REGLIST E500 ;STD, FPR or E500, E500: send E500 register set

    FILE $u-boot.bin
    LOAD MANUAL ;load code MANUAL or AUTO after reset
    DUMP $e500.bin

    FILE $reg8548.def

Things look fine until the phys are initialized, then in stead of 
printing the phy name rubbish id printed. in this case in stead of 
"eTSEC" u-boot prints "invalid reserved".

When I inspect the memory which is supposed to contain the phy device 
name with the BDI, on the CPU rev1 board I find the correct string in 
memory but on the rev2 board I find arbitrary string.

    Net: miiphy_register: added 'invalid reserved', read=0x1ffb2eac,
    debug: dev name addr = 0x1ff90124
    debug: phy id = 0xFC4B
    invalid reserved: PHY is Vitesse VSC8211 (fc4b1)

This also results in meaningless info when running mii dump:

    UBoot=> mii dump
    0. (1140) -- er --
    (fffb:1140) 0. 1- 0 = 4416
    (fffb:1140) 0.129- 0 = 4416 <a[
    (fffb:1140) 0. 1- 0 = 4416 �A�
    (fffb:1140) 0. 1- 0 = 4416
    (fffb:1140) 0. 1- 0 = 4416 ��x���aH
    (fffb:1140) 0. 1- 0 = 4416
    (fffb:1140) 0. 1- 0 = 4416 �|
    (fffb:1140) 0. 1- 0 = 4416 ��1。 O
    (fffb:1140) 0.63- 0 = 4416 ��_a(��� �?
    (fffb:1140) 0. 1- 0 = 4416 

Is this purely related to using the BDI or is the problem related to 
other configuration items or simply CPU silicon related?

thanks for any input Hendrik
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