On 01/17/2013 11:17:15 PM, Xie Shaohui-B21989 wrote:
> You don't even update strings like "P3041/P5020" in README.pblimage to
> include P5040. :-)
[S.H] Thanks for pointing it out. I will update the README.pblimage in next version.

 Why is P4080 excluded, BTW?  I realize that P4080DS
> doesn't have NAND, but the file talks about chips, not boards.
[S.H] there is no P4080DS_NAND entry in boards.cfg...

Yes, I said I realize that P4080DS (note the DS) doesn't have NAND. But P4080 the SoC should support NAND boot on custom boards that have NAND, and README.pblimage doesn't appear to be talking about specific boards (except for the hardware switch section).

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