>>>>> "Matt" == Matt Porter <mpor...@ti.com> writes:


 >> Did you figure out why it was working for you with 96 MHz ref?

 Matt> Unfortunately not at a root cause level. Unless I'm missing
 Matt> something I would have expected the calculations from the
 Matt> supplied 96 MHz ref clock to result in 2x the clock the SD card
 Matt> can handle due to the incorrect divider. However, with the LA
 Matt> attached, I found that a 2-3 MHz SDCLK was being generated after
 Matt> the capability probe occurs. Odd and incorrect, but
 Matt> functional. After switching to 192MHz I was able to sample a
 Matt> nominal 25MHz SDCLK as expected on a regular SD card advertising
 Matt> that as its capability. I don't like it but I'm going to mark
 Matt> this down as "something undocumented" as I only have PG1.0
 Matt> silicon but can't find an errata sheet for that version right
 Matt> now.

Ok, thanks for the info.

Bye, Peter Korsgaard
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