
I've got a NAS which uses uboot:
U-Boot 1.1.4 (Feb  6 2012 - 14:40:46) Marvell version: 3.4.27

It's a Netgear ReadyNAS Duo V2, and the original sofware sucks. ;)

I would like to start with the original kernel (because it contains some patches) and a custom debian made with multistrap.

Where do I start?

I'll add some information about the config.

I believe these are the most important boot options.

standalone=fsload 0x2000000 $(image_name);setenv bootargs $(console) root=/dev/mtdblock0 rw ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip)$(bootargs_end) $(mvPhoneConfig); bootm 0x2000000;

bootcmd=nand read.e 0x1200000 0x200000 0x600000;nand read.e 0x2000000 0x800000 0x1000000;bootm 0x1200000 0x2000000

bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 reason=normal mtdparts=nand_mtd:0x180000@0(u-boot),0x20000@0x180000(u-boot-env),0x600000@0x200000(uImage),0x1000000@0x800000(minirootfs),0x6800000@0x1800000(jffs2);

there are 5 mtds:
1,5M mtd0 - ?
128K mtd1 - ?
6,0M mtd2 - kernel
2,2M mtd3 - initrd (gzipped)
89M mtd4 - jffs2 image, I think it contains a rescue image of the filesystem which is applied to the harddisks.

I dumped the kernel from mtd2, it is:
u-boot legacy uImage, Linux-, Linux/ARM, OS Kernel Image (Not compressed), 3442208 bytes, Tue Aug 28 05:21:43 2012, Load Address: 0x00008000, Entry Point: 0x00008000, Header CRC: 0xDA1ECA31, Data CRC: 0x269C27DE

I tried to load the kernel through tftp, but it crashed:

Marvell>> dhcp

BOOTP broadcast 1
*** Unhandled DHCP Option in OFFER/ACK: 28
*** Unhandled DHCP Option in OFFER/ACK: 28
DHCP client bound to address
Marvell>> set serverip

Marvell>> tftpboot 0x02000000 /boot/kernel.img

Using egiga0 device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename '/boot/kernel.img'.
Load address: 0x2000000
Loading: #################################################################
Bytes transferred = 3442272 (348660 hex)
Marvell>> go  0x02000000

## Starting application at 0x02000000 ...
software interrupt
pc : [<0200001c>]    lr : [<00633cac>]
sp : 005fef68  ip : ffffffff     fp : 005ff7de
r10: 005ff3de  r9 : ffffe804     r8 : 005fffcc
r7 : 005ff388  r6 : 00000001     r5 : 005ff38c  r4 : 02000000
r3 : 30383101  r2 : f1012000     r1 : 005ff38c  r0 : c0c0e0c4
Flags: nZCv  IRQs off  FIQs off  Mode SVC_32
Resetting CPU ...

thanks for any help,


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