On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Scott Wood <scottw...@freescale.com>wrote:

> On 06/18/2013 10:37:02 AM, Timur Tabi wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 5:39 AM,  <ying.zh...@freescale.com> wrote:
>> > From: Ying Zhang <b40...@freescale.com>
>> >
>> > Support TPL on the P1022DS.
>> Please define "TPL".  I have no idea what it is.
> Third Program Loader.  An additional stage that comes after SPL, before
> the main image.  But yes, the commit message and README should explain this.

I'm having a great deal of difficulty understanding your patch numbering
system. This patch is 10/10, and I see 5/10 and 9/10. Where are 1-4 and
7-8? I also see some unnumbered, unversioned patches (despite the fact that
they are clearly part of a series, and not the first versions of the patch
submitted). I also see a series of 4 patches, which are marked as being a
series of 8 patches, and we only see 2, 5, 6, and 8.


1) Put version numbers on your patches. The version should increment each
time you send the patch out (even if it hasn't changed. It helps keep the
patch series coherent). You don't need a version number on the first
instance of the patch

2) Put a changelog for your patch below the "---", which describes the
change history of that patch. If you are on v5, there should be 4
changelogs, so we see how the patch has changed over time. If it doesn't
change, just put "no change"

3) If a set of patches are related to each other, then put them in a
series, and number them x/n, where x is 1-n. I suspect that this particular
numbering oddness is caused by generating 10 patches, and then only
submitting 3 of them (perhaps because the others are already up-to-date).
Please default to re-sending all patches in a series. It is fairly trivial
to notice in patchworks, and much easier to ensure that I've actually seen
all the relevant patches.

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