On Sun, Aug 04, 2013 at 10:00:04PM +0200, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Dennis,
> In message <20130801120603.1683f...@adria.ausil.us> you wrote:
> >
> > ultimately I want to have a standard way to boot any system that just
> > works and does not need the installer to know or care what the target
> > system is. using boot.scr and uEnv.txt does not work for my goals.
> But your requirement is just one out of a number of such requirements,
> and I see no indication that an "one size fits all" approach would be
> possible.

And today we have no ability to easily opt-in to any of the "one size
fits many" approachs we have scattered about in config files today.

> > ultimately for Fedora we do not want to use uEnv.txt or boot.scr at all
> > we want to use a extlinux.conf file and sysboot provided by cmd_pxe the
> > rest is to provide flexibility and options to users to choose different
> > ways to boot. the above is not at all suitable. 
> Just stating what you don't want, and what you want, is not exactly a
> constructive process.  It's like saying: "I'm right, you all are
> wrong."

Well, from their (the distro point of view) point of view, they don't
want to have to come up with yet another set of tools (like they're
having to do today, there's a rather large hunk of logic Fedora has for
booting a handful of boards).  I'd really love to see someone come up
with a parser of extlinux.conf
(http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/BootLoaderSpec/) for

> The thing is, that the overwhelming majority of systems are not
> running a standard distro like Fedora, and don't have any such
> features as boot extlinux.conf files or sysboot or whatever -they
> don;t have it, and they cannot afford it because they have totally
> different requirements to meet.  Please try and keep this in mind.
> Yourrequiremetns are but a special case here - one which we will try
> to support in the best possible way, of course, but it's just one out
> of many.

That a large number of maker folks are using ARM boards, that use Linux
and U-Boot is a good thing.  That it's quite a pain for each new board
and user to get a familiar environment up, is a problem.  And I would
say the defaults in reference platforms should be pretty wide ranging.


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