Thanks Rommel for checking this patch.
Please find my reply in-lined

On 09/18/2013 03:28 AM, Rommel Custodio wrote:
Dear Prabhakar Kushwaha,

Prabhakar Kushwaha <prabhakar <at>> writes:

Add support of 2 stage NAND boot loader using SPL framework.
here, PBL initialise the internal SRAM and copy SPL(96K). This further
initialise DDR using SPD and environment and copy u-boot(512 kb) from NAND
to DDR.
Finally SPL transer control to u-boot.

These are just some quick comments after a build test and a quick code
The environment is latest with some patches from patchworks.

1) Your code does not build with

powerpc-linux-objcopy --gap-fill=0xff -O binary
/export/home/ -n  \
                 -R  -T pblimage \
                 -d /export/home/
boot.bin /export/home//
Error:-R - Can't open
make: *** [/export/home/]
Error 1

You mention you use the PBL... but probably not a pblimage. The patch
correctly fixes RAMBOOT_PBL as a trigger to generate the pblimage (u-
boot.pbl) but there seems to be no RCW or PBI file defined.

B4860 does support PBL based NAND boot.
but I have yet to integrate u-boot-spl.bin to generated u-boot-spl.pbl.
This is in my TODO list

2) Use the new SPDX identifiers


This was mainlined a few revisions ago.

3) Watch out for the new boards.cfg layout

I will take care of it while providing the patch.

I have one question, can this scenario be implemented on a P5040? i.e.
simulate that CPC is around 128Kb and load u-boot via SPL? Now all corenet
processors seem to only support pblimage booting.

yes. This scenario can be implemented for P5040. Only need to create spl.c file + define constants.


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