On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 01:40:18PM -0600, Dan Murphy wrote:

> Commonize in the ti_armv7_common.h the boot scripts for
> USB, MMC and NAND.
> Each board file can then select which BOOT_TARGETS are applicable
> for the target board.
> And any parameters based on that.
> Finally removed the findfdt from the common file and made this more board
> specific as omap4_common should not reference panda.
> This implemenation was adopted from the tegra-common-post.h file.

OK, implementation wise, I think we might need to adapt the -post
concept here too.  That will let us remove from the config files
themselves a number of:
#ifdef FOO
#undef FOO
#define FOO

And it will also let new boards like cm_t335 opt in to
ti_am335x_common.h but not have to pick our bootcmd if they don't want
to (tegra-common-post.h allows for that).  While not a big deal,
possibly, for cm_t335 it's probably a bigger deal for getting the
siemens boards adapted too.

I think this also shows that we need to handle the DFU env settings
parts strictly inside of am335x_evm.h.  I'm toying with a patch to cover
this, now.



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