On Mon, 2015-01-19 at 10:55 -0700, Stephen Warren wrote:
> * Indicate that boot.scr is fully supported, not a legacy option.
>   Still, recommend use of extlinux.conf over boot.scr.

Thanks for this. The bits around that look fine now.

One thing I happened to spot while skimming:

> +handled by U-Boot's "syslinux" (disk) or "pxe boot" (network). This is 
> roughly
> +as specified at:
> +
> +http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/BootLoaderSpec/
> +
> +... with the exceptions that:
> +
> +* That document prescribes a separate configuration per boot menu option,
> +  whereas U-Boot lumps all options into a single extlinux.conf file. Hence,
> +  U-Boot searches for /extlinux/extlinux.conf then
> +  /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf on disk, or pxelinux.cfg/default over the
> +  network.
> +
> +* Does not document the fdtdir option, which automatically selects the DTB to
> +  pass to the kernel.

This second bullet doesn't work, either in isolation or when combined
with the sentence fragment which introduces the list. Perhaps the first
few words of the first bullet should be moved to the intro fragment,
e.g. "with the exception that the BootLoaderSpec document:

  * prescribes a sep...
  * does not document ...


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