Hi Stephen,

On 2 October 2015 at 00:27, Stephen Warren <swar...@wwwdotorg.org> wrote:
> On 10/01/2015 04:59 PM, Simon Glass wrote:
>> Hi Stephen,
>> On Wednesday, 23 September 2015, Stephen Warren <swar...@wwwdotorg.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Simon,
>>> I have 3 different ARM toolchains installed into /usr/bin via distro
>>> packages. How do I tell buildman which of those to use?
>>> I had originally thought that ~/.buildman's [toolchain] section contained
>>> CROSS_COMPILE-like values, so I tried:
>>>> [toolchain]
>>>> root: /
>>>> arm0-not-installed: arm-none-gnueabi-
>>>> arm1: arm-none-eabi-
>>>> arm2: arm-linux-gnueabihf-
>>>> arm3: arm-linux-gnueabi-
>>>> arch64: aarch64-linux-gnu-
>>>> [toolchain-alias]
>>>> arm: arm1
>>>> aarch64: aarch64
>>> (I intended to change the "arm: arm1" line to point at arm1/2/3 based on
>>> which I wanted to use at a particular time).
>>> However, running "buildman --list-toolchains" and re-reading the docs
>>> shows me that the [toolchain] values are absolute directories that buildman
>>> searches for files named *-gcc:
>>>>     - scanning path 'arm-none-gnueabi-'
>>>>        - looking in 'arm-none-gnueabi-/.'
>>>>        - looking in 'arm-none-gnueabi-/bin'
>>>>        - looking in 'arm-none-gnueabi-/usr/bin'
>>> If buildman finds multiple toolchains, there doesn't seem to be a way to
>>> tell it which one to use. Am I missing something?
>>> I suppose a solution wouuld be to move the compiler binaries into
>>> different separate directories, and only list one of those directories in
>>> ~/.buildman. However, I can't do that for distro-packaged toolchains (well,
>>> I suppose I could manually mv everything all over the place, but that's
>>> really fragile since it'd break any time the package got upgraded or removed
>>> and re-installed).
>>> I think it makes sense to add new syntax into ~/.buildman to specify
>>> "don't do automagical searching, just use this CROSS_COMPILE value that I
>>> say". Does that sound reasonable? Automagic stuff makes for great defaults,
>>> but if it can't be overridden, it sucks when you actually know what you
>>> want.
>> Yes I think it would be fine to add an option to use CROSS_COMPILE (of
>> course it would fail if you tried to build the board with the wrong
>> arch).
> I wasn't necessarily looking for buildman to pick up the CROSS_COMPILE
> environment variable, although that would be a simple solution for
> single-arch builds at least. My mention of CROSS_COMPILE immediately above
> was re: using values that are formatted in the same way as the CROSS_COMPILE
> environment variable would be, rather than directory names, in the config
> file. In other words, the example content I showed above.
>> The option other option at present is -G which lets you use multiple
>> .buildman files. You could have one of these for each toolchain.
> I don't think that gets me what I want. As far as I can tell, the buildman
> config file contains a list directories to search within, yet if I have 3
> toolchains in a single directory, there's no way to select which one I want
> to use, is there?
> In other words, a config file that contains:
> [toolchain]
> distro-packages: /usr/bin
> ... finds the following toolchains:
> [swarren@swarren-lx1 u-boot]$ ./tools/buildman/buildman \
>         --list-tool-chains
> Scanning for tool chains
>    - scanning path '/usr/bin'
>       - looking in '/usr/bin/.'
>          - found '/usr/bin/./arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc'
>          - found '/usr/bin/./arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc'
>          - found '/usr/bin/./arm-none-eabi-gcc'
> (That's 3 AArch32 toolchains found)
>          - found '/usr/bin/./winegcc'
>          - found '/usr/bin/./aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc'
>          - found '/usr/bin/./gcc'
>          - found '/usr/bin/./c89-gcc'
>          - found '/usr/bin/./x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc'
>          - found '/usr/bin/./i586-mingw32msvc-gcc'
>          - found '/usr/bin/./c99-gcc'
>       - looking in '/usr/bin/bin'
>       - looking in '/usr/bin/usr/bin'
> Tool chain test:  OK
> Tool chain test:  OK
> Tool chain test:  OK
> Tool chain test:  OK
> Tool chain test:  OK
> Tool chain test:  OK
> Tool chain test:  OK
> Tool chain test:  OK
> Tool chain test:  OK
> Tool chain test:  OK
> List of available toolchains (7):
> aarch64   : /usr/bin/./aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc
> arm       : /usr/bin/./arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc
> (Buildman chose that one, and I think I have no control over that?)
> c89       : /usr/bin/./c89-gcc
> c99       : /usr/bin/./c99-gcc
> i586      : /usr/bin/./i586-mingw32msvc-gcc
> sandbox   : /usr/bin/./winegcc
> x86_64    : /usr/bin/./x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc

I wonder if we need an option to specify the full path and avoid the search?

Maybe [toolchain-prefix] ?

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