Am 18.11.2015 um 13:48 schrieb Dirk Eibach:
> I assume the idea is to go to the next port if the current port is
> disabled. But adding 3 to the index does not seem to be the right
> thing to do, since Armada XP has ports with 4 lanes, but also with
> ports with one lane.
> I assume that iterating over all lanes would not be a problem, but by
> mistake the pcie->lane == 0  was left in the condition. 
Yeah you are right. The additional condition was superfluous in the
original version.

> So this should perform better:
> /* Don't read at all from pci registers if port power is down */
> if (SELECT(soc_ctrl, pcie->port) == 0) {
>     if (pcie->lane == 0)
>         debug("%s: skipping port %d\n", __func__, pcie->port);
>     continue;
> }
I agree.

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