On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 12:00:13PM +0200, Ladislav Michl wrote:
> As we might want to use single binary also to boot from MMC or other
> sources, we cannot use boot_device to get a glue about used flash type.
> Also U-Boot should not count on being loaded by its own SPL. So, to make
> things easier to begin with, do we all agree that omap_gpmc:board_nand_init
> as well as its OneNAND counterpart should expect gpmc config1 register
> properly set and fail if something unexpected is found? That basically
> means if we should rely on CS0 config provided by first stage loader or
> try to rediscover flash devices (this problem does not exist when flash
> itself is boot source)

Lets overcome this limitation by introducing omap specific global
gpmc_cs0_flash holding detected flash type. Single U-Boot and SPL
binary is now running on all variants of IGEPv2 board. Modified
patches previously sent as RFC are following this mail, but as they
are based ot top of other fixes and cleanups I sent earlier they
probably won't apply until someone takes some action (yes, NACK
is also an action ;-))

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