2009/9/17 Fred Fan <fanyef...@gmail.com>:
> Dear Javier Martin:
> 2009/9/17, javier Martin <javier.mar...@vista-silicon.com>:
>> I've found some problems because the cache is enabled, I don't see any
>> place where you disable it.
>> [Fred] Do you means D-cache is enabled? There are no mmu enabled, D-cache
>> should be disabled as default setting.

This is what I also though but I found it making some debugging
through JTAG + GDB.

As I stated in my first mail, FEC driver was getting stuck after
transmitting a frame in a while() loop. However, using wireshark the
frame had actually been sent. And using GDB I found that in the SDRAM
the while() condition was true, nevertheless the microprocessor was
evaluating it as false. That seemed to cache issues to me, so I put a
"dcache_disable()" just before that while() loop and saw that these
problems were not happening anymore.

What is your opinion?

Javier Martin
Vista Silicon S.L.
CDTUC - FASE C - Oficina S-345
Avda de los Castros s/n
39005- Santander. Cantabria. Spain
+34 942 25 32 60
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