On 10/18/2016 04:30 PM, Stefan Bruens wrote:

I have started diving into the u-boot python tests. Now I have come accross
two problems:

1. I would like to access the config, specifically the paths to e.g.
build_dir, result_dir, ...
2. I would like to run and log system commands

Now while I can do this via the u_boot_console fixture, I would like to issue
some of my fixture setup on the session/module level. Unfortunately, the
u_boot_console fixture has "function" scope, and thus my fixtures are limited
to function scope as well.

Although for the u_boot_console (i.e. the sandbox instance or the SoC
terminal) function scope is likely correct, the runner/logger and the config
should be accessible independent of u_boot_console.

Any ideas how to solve this issue?

I think the simplest would be to create new fixture functions for the log and config objects. I think try adding the following to conftest.py right before/after function u_boot_console():

def log(request):
    """Generate the value of a test's log fixture.

        request: The pytest request.

        The fixture value.

    return console.log

def u_boot_config(request):
    """Generate the value of a test's u_boot_config fixture.

        request: The pytest request.

        The fixture value.

    return console.config

Note that the console object itself actually has global scope, and is initialized before any tests are run. So, accessing it from global fixtures is fine. The function-scoped fixture implementation actually returns this same console object every time; it's only function-scoped so that it can guarantee to call console.ensure_spawned() prior to each test, so make sure that U-Boot is restarted if it failed before, to give each test a clean slate.
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