
On Sat, Dec 10, 2016 at 7:50 AM, Haleigh Novak <hale...@edt.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am currently deciphering post_code ouput on a machine running Yocto with a 
> bios of coreboot with a payload of SeaBIOS and another (i think) u-boot, in 
> searching online for one of the post_code values I stumbled on a post 
> (http://lists.denx.de/pipermail/u-boot/2016-January/241577.html) noting that 
> u-boot has post codes of its own. I was wondering if there was a 
> consolidation of most (if not all) of the post_codes used, like there sort of 
> is in coreboot at /src/console/post_code.h; or if there is not would someone 
> mind giving me a direction on what function(s) u-boot uses to post the u-boot 
> post_codes; i.e. coreboot utilizes a function called post_code as well as asm 
> code and some of the binaries have their own post codes  - is there anything 
> like that in u-boot?

See arch/x86/include/asm/post.h. There is a function post_code() to do
post codes.

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