I am working on a new Allwiner A13 and accesory chipset board, whose name is Wakame, after the seafood.

After working several months on this project, now i think that the idea of building a prototype starts to come a feasible thing.Obviously it is my very first development ever since i entered into the Open Hardware arena and some details may come up that could be needing some fix here and there.

The reason for this email is that, i'm in need for a Firmware. After finding out in several places, many people tells me about Uboot. Happens that, i'm not that knowledgeable about it. I tried to build Uboot in my pc and when using Make and other parameter i got a menu where i think i never could make proper choices for this soon to be arm open computer..

I actually wish this board to be able to boot both from an usb hard disk and or usb cd/dvd unit. I have been told that, while the A13 soc may have uboot right on it, even i found a pin with that name in the sheets, i actually wish to separate the bootrom of the os as i wish to achieve a desktop computer behaviour rather than a tablet one. The closest board to Wakame i know is the Olimex A13 but while the SOC is the same, the chips in the Wakame are different from the Olimex and that means a concern or two about Uboot compatibility..

Should you have any interest on this project, you can see it here:


The files in the github above are actually an Altium 2009 workspace, and they are available under gnu-glpl terms so anyone with proper knowledge can study, modify and build it, in the hope it gets better with time and people taking knowledge about it.

Thanks for your support.

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