On 09/04/2017 02:12 PM, Pantelis Antoniou wrote:
Special rule for dtbo generation

diff --git a/scripts/Makefile.lib b/scripts/Makefile.lib

+quiet_cmd_dtco = DTCO    $@
+# Rule for objects only; does not put specific u-boot include at the end
+# No generation of assembly file either
+# Modified for U-Boot
+cmd_dtco = mkdir -p $(dir ${dtc-tmp}) ; \
+       $(CPP) $(dtc_cpp_flags) -x assembler-with-cpp -o $(dtc-tmp) - ; \
+       $(DTC) -@ -O dtb -o $@ -b 0 \
+               -i $(dir $<) $(DTC_FLAGS) \
+               -d $(depfile).dtc.tmp $(dtc-tmp) ; \

As of u-boot-fdt/master commit 503afc3ca1e5 "test: overlay: Add unit test for stacked overlay", the U-Boot build fails for sandbox with the error below. I guess it's due to this commit. Does U-Boot now intentionally rely on a newer dtc or is this an accident?

  DTC     test/overlay/test-fdt-base.dtb
  LD      lib/libfdt/built-in.o
  CC      lib/charset.o
  CC      lib/rsa/rsa-verify.o
dtc: invalid option -- '@'
Usage: dtc [options] <input file>

Options: -[qI:O:o:V:d:R:S:p:fb:i:H:sW:E:hv]
  -q, --quiet
        Quiet: -q suppress warnings, -qq errors, -qqq all
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