Hi Udit,

On 15.01.18 10:09, Udit Kumar wrote:
> Hi Alex, 
> Hope you are doing great, 
> Could you help on UEFI over the u-boot.
> 1- I couldn't locate EFI_DXE_SERVICES in u-boot, do you have plan to add 
> those 

Right now the model is that all device drivers are implemented by U-Boot
and that only exposes their interfaces to EFI applications. Implementing
DXE in U-Boot would open quite a big can of worms, as it would really
only be useful in compilation with PI which is a terrible interface :).

> 2- If I load  a driver (with bootefi) which install few protocols,  is this 
> ok to do with u-boot

It depends on how much the driver does, but in general yes. Heinrich is
currently working on making the iPXE iSCSI driver work, so his EFI
payload would expose an EFI block device to yet another payload running
after his.

> 3- if you say, 2 is ok then I hope these protocols are kept in some data 
> base, and this new protocol can be opened by an application 

Yes, the protocol database is now global and persistent across bootefi

> 4- if there is some known limitation, like we cannot run DXE_driver  etc

What exactly are you trying to do? With the U-Boot UEFI implementation
we're trying to find a sweet spot between implementing as much as makes
sense, but not the whole UEFI world, as that would just bloat the code

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