Hello list!
Thank you for let me adding to this Mailing List!

I am designing a custom board with a STM32MP157 (as the Evaluation Board), but without any USB nor microSD connectors.

My concerns are about to load FSBL and SSBL from USB (with a sort of extension cable from PCB to PC into a USB Host A Port) with Linux.

(A) My goal is to write u-Boot into the internal eMMC Flash Storage (via USB Recovery mode) and let u-boot continue the loading of the kernel (TFTPBoot) and the rootfilesystem via ethernet (NFS).

Is it a viable solution to you guys?

(B) I would like to avoid using an extension cable for microSD/SD card, due to the high speed involved in this.

The only drawback with (A) is I need a PC for every board to be programmed. Which tool is expected to work? STM32CubeProgrammer?

With (B) option every board does not need anything because u-boot can be written in internal eMMC within u-boot itself...

Or, are there any other option to write the internal flash?

What do you use guys?

Gianluca Renzi
Eurek s.r.l.                          |
Electronic Engineering                | http://www.eurek.it
via Celletta 8/B, 40026 Imola, Italy  | Phone: +39-(0)542-609120
p.iva 00690621206 - c.f. 04020030377  | Fax:   +39-(0)542-609212

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