On 17/02/2021 16:19, Nicolas Boulenguez wrote:

Hi Nicolas,

> Please consider the attached suggestions for the sunxi/pinephone
> platform.
> Among commits written for and by Mobian users, these ones may be of
> interest for all pinephone owners.
> Each header mentions the original motivation and author.

Please send this as a proper series, with each patch in a separate
email. That makes it possible to look at and discuss the individual patches.
git send-email should help you with that, it looks like the patches are
already in mbox format, so just enumerating them on the command line
should do the trick. Sending to yourself only first (--to <me>
--suppress-cc=all) helps to get this right ;-)

And please address maintainers directly, scripts/get_maintainer.pl
should give you some idea who to address (feel free to filter that list,
the output is sometimes quite verbose).


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