On Wed, Sep 08, 2021 at 07:35:50AM +0000, Sjöberg Andreas wrote:

> Hi,
> We have two patch files for u-boot:
> Bootelf_async_abort_fix.patch:
> Booting a .elf files sometimes triggers an asynchronous abort error disabling 
> the icache and dcahe before boot turned out to prevent this and this patch 
> adds disabling of these caches as a part of the bootelf command.
> Tftp_next_ack_update:
> When running tftp without any additional options (i.e no oack gets sent) the 
> client does not change the expected block number of the next package from 0 
> to tftp_windowsize preventing acknowledgement of received data. There also 
> was no prober mreset for this counter that instead only reset upon receiveing 
> an oack. This patch increments  the value of next_ack when receiving a data 
> packet instead of an oack and also ensures that sending a new read request or 
> write request resets the counter to 0, indicating that the next packet should 
> be an oack.
> /Andreas Sjöberg

Please see http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot/Patches and re-post each of
these patches with a proper commit message, thanks!


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