Dear Remy Bohmer,

In message <> you 
> As U-boot project-owner you know you have the last word in this.

This is a pretty precious resource that should be used wisely, and not
without real need.  This topic is clearly in your domain, and while
I'm trying to explain the situation to you, I will not try to
influence your decision.

> How do you think how to continue from here?

I don't really know.

> There should be a difference in controlling the devices triggering the
> bug, and without hispeed analyser it will be extremely hard to find.
> We have one here, but we do not have your boards, USB hub/devices and
> so on. (And... neither do I have the time to debug it for you...)

Nobody expects that you spend time and resources (and for free) on
such a pretty exotic issue.

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

DENX Software Engineering GmbH,     MD: Wolfgang Denk & Detlev Zundel
HRB 165235 Munich, Office: Kirchenstr.5, D-82194 Groebenzell, Germany
Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-10 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email:
Even if you aren't in doubt, consider the mental welfare of the  per-
son who has to maintain the code after you, and who will probably put
parens in the wrong place.          - Larry Wall in the perl man page
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