Am 02.12.2010 14:33, schrieb zfsdk:
> Maybe in init sequens asm func, i used turn on led to check which func faild.

Using a LED for debugging is time consuming. And you won't see which 
code still uses BSS before relocation as such code does not have to fail 
(it still might work). I prefer reading source. Using JTAG should help 
too, but I think, using JTAG and a debugger might got somewhat harder, 
at least after the code got relocated.
Anyway, a JTAG-debugger could help a lot searching the stuff which 
currently goes wrong before relocation. I assume single stepping the few 
dozen lines which are executed before relocation could be done in a few 
hours and it should reveal most of the code which accesses BSS before 


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