
I'm trying to add support for reading imx8mq boot ROM event log and
got inspired by this patch:

My question is if the condition for checking log pointers is correct:

 /* If the ROM event log pointer is not valid. */
        if (*rom_log_addr < 0x900000 || *rom_log_addr >= 0xb00000 ||
            *rom_log_addr & 0x3)
                return part;

rom_load_addr is set at the beginning of function to 0x9E0 which is
offset in OCRAM.
Then the value from this address is checked by the above condition and
in my experiments function always returns in this particular line (I'm
getting a value e.g. 0x710004bf at address 0x9e0) dueto the fact that
this condition is never met.

So my question is if I'm doing something wrong or I simply don't
understand the code :)

Thanks and regards,

as simple and primitive as possible
Marek Belisko - OPEN-NANDRA
Freelance Developer

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