On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 7:43 PM, Alexander Holler <hol...@ahsoftware.de> wrote:
> Am 03.03.2011 00:48, schrieb Robert Nelson:
>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Alexander Holler<hol...@ahsoftware.de>
>>  wrote:
>>> Hello Jason,
>>> Am 02.03.2011 21:26, schrieb Jason Kridner:
>>>> For backwards compatibility the use of boot.scr is still supported.
>>> Sorry, but I think that line in the description should get removed too.
>> So, just a thought..  Are you guys planning to push this same boot
>> method to all the other "omap" devices that just finally got boot.scr
>> boot support by default in u-boot?  It also seems's like it'll end up
>> be the FAQ of the month for the beagleboard group.. ;)
> I would say that should be decided by every board-maintainer, just like the
> change from ttyS2 to ttyO2. E.g. I don't think the devkit8000-sdk will
> change as soon as the stuff the for the beagleboard.

Oh, we will work around it over the transition, so it's not a big deal..

It was just kinda nice, (if we assume all boards have xlo/u-boot in
nand) that most boards would boot on one boot.scr/kernel/rootfs
combination.  Since the mainline kernel can boot on all omap2/3/4
boards (in mainline) at this point..

But since both the xM/Panda don't have nand, my point's kinda moot as
they'll need a different xlo/u-boot...

Robert Nelson
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