Dear Simon Glass,

In message <> you wrote:
> Sure if you are tracking the timer, and wait for it to increment, and
> then wait for it to increment a second time, you can be confident that
> the time between the first and second increments is 10ms.

OK.  Good.

> But in general it is possible that your first read of the timer
> happens at 9.999ms after the timer last incremented, just because you
> are unlucky. Then perhaps two successive reads of the timer only 1us
> apart will see a difference of 10ms in time.


> I believe this resolution problem could/should be solved by a function
> which returns a time not less than n ms in the future. It would work
> by returning something like current_time_ms + (delay_ms +
> resolution_ms * 2 - 1) / resolution_ms * resolution_ms, where
> resolution_ms is 10 in this case. I think someone else mentioned that
> too.
> When the timer reaches that time then it is guaranteed that at least
> delay_ms ms has passed, although it might be up to delay_ms + 10.

We (well, Detlev and me) discussed this.  We think it is important to
realize (and to document) that the timing information provided by
get_timer() is inherently subject to the principles of interval
arithmetics with an implementation dependent interval width.

So far, most (all ?) of the code ignored this property, or silently
assumed that the interval width was equal to or better than 1 milli-
second which is the timing unit used by get_timer().

I think it is important to realize the (most important) use cases of
get_timer(): 1) [longish] timeouts and 2) other timing
computations.  For completeness, I also include a third situation
here:  0) [short] timeouts:

0) [short] timeouts:

   Short timeouts are obviously all timeouts that are shorter than one
   millisecond - it is obvious that get_timer() cannot be used for
   these, and instead we use udelay() based delay loops.

   Note that this method also can be used for longer timeouts,
   especially when we really have to wait for some event to happen,
   i. e. when we cannot do "something useful" while waiting.

   A typical implementation to wait for some event with a timeout of
   5 seconds might look like this:

        int loops = 10; /* timeout after 10 * 500 milliseconds */

        while (test_for_event() == 0) {
                if (--loops <= 0)

                udelay(500000); /delay 500 millisecond */

   Note that this implementation has the disadvantage that it may
   introduce an unnecessary delay of up to 500 milliseconds if the
   event happens quickly after the call to test_for_event(), so
   typically it is more efficient to use a large number of short loops
   intead - due to the loop overhead these are less accurate, but for
   timeouts this usually does not matter, but at least they insert
   less heavy delays.  Example:

        int loops = 50000; /* timeout after 50,000 * 100 microseconds */

        while (test_for_event() == 0) {
                if (--loops <= 0)


   Here we lose a maximim of 100 us in the delay call.

   The inherent disadvantage of these delay based timeout loops is the
   low accuracy - depending on the loop overhead (for example the time
   spent in the test_for_event() call and on the size of the argument
   to the udelay() call the total execution time of the loop is always
   bigger than the assumed duration, especially for short delays.
   Usually this is not a problem in such contexts; also it is possible
   to trade accuracy for additional delays after the event happens -
   see first code example above.

1) [longish] timeouts:

   Timeouts in the order of several milliseconds or longer are
   frequently implemented using get_timer(). Above 5 second timeout
   could be implemented like this:

        u32 start,now;
        u32 timeout = 5 * CONFIG_SYS_HZ; /* timeout after 5 seconds */

        start = get_timer(0);

        while (test_for_event() == 0) {
                now = get_timer(0);
                if ((now - start) > timeout)


   Here the loop overhead caused by short delay which may result in a
   high number of calls to test_for_event() gets eliminated because
   the time reference is independet of the delay.

2) Other timing computations:

   These are usually used to measure the time needed to perform some
   specific actions, for example like this:

        u32 start, now;

        start = get_timer(0);


        now = get_timer(0);

        printf("execution time: %ld millisec\n", now - start);

Neither 1) nor 2) take into account that both "start" and "now" time
stamps depend on the resolution of the underlying, implementation
dependent timer.  For large delays this is not critical, but for short
delays (few milliseconds) this introduces large errors, and can even
be fatal.

One solution to the problem could be to take the interval length into
consideration. However, it seems unwise to make such a low level,
implementation specific detail visible to normal "application" code.

Instead, we suggest to introduce a new function delta_timer() which
hides this implementation detail from the user.  delta_timer() will
compute the differnce between two time stamps from get_timer(), and
will return the number of milliseconds that are guaranteed to have
passed AT LEAST between these two moments:

         * Everybody uses a 1 millisecond interval, 
        #ifdef CONFIG_NIOS2
        static inline u32 timer_interval_size(void) { return 10; }
        static inline u32 timer_interval_size(void) { return 1; }

        u32 delta_timer(u32 from, u32 to)
                u32 delta = to - from;

                if (delta < timer_interval_size())
                        return 0;

                return detla - timer_interval_size();

We could also design a more complicated API like this one, but I doubt
this is needed:

         * round - used to control rounding:
         * <0 : round down, return time that has passed AT LEAST
         * =0 : don't round, provide raw time difference
         * >0 : round up, return time that has passed AT MOST
         u32 delta_timer(u32 from, u32 to, int round)
                u32 delta = to - from;

                if (round == 0) /* raw result, no rounding*/
                        return delta;

                if (round > 0)  /* round up */
                        return delta + timer_interval_size();

                /* round down */
                if (delta < timer_interval_size())
                        return 0;

                return delta - timer_interval_size();

So our timeout from case 1) above would now be written like this:

        u32 start,now;
        u32 timeout = 5 * CONFIG_SYS_HZ; /* timeout after 5 seconds */

        start = get_timer(0);

        while (test_for_event() == 0) {
                now = get_timer(0);

                if (delta_timer(start, now) > timeout)


and would be guaranteed never to terminate early.


Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

DENX Software Engineering GmbH,     MD: Wolfgang Denk & Detlev Zundel
HRB 165235 Munich, Office: Kirchenstr.5, D-82194 Groebenzell, Germany
Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-10 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email:
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not
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