Am 01.11.2011 19:52, schrieb Mike Frysinger:
> On Tuesday 01 November 2011 14:37:24 Matthias Weisser wrote:
>> I don't know the memory layout strategies for all the Linux/Unix variant
>> out there. But typically text/bss/data is in the lower address range
>> (some megs above 0) and in the upper range (right under kernel space)
>> there is space used for stack and shared objects. Even with ASLR the
>> address I used in the patch should be mappable.
> relying on any address layout behavior is doomed to fail.  and in this case, 
> it's unnecessary.  so let's not bother.

Accepted but not convinced :-) As the address passed to mmap is only a
hint it will not fail. But I will remove the hint in V2 of the patch.

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