On 2/4/2012 8:38 PM, Mike Frysinger wrote:
On Saturday 04 February 2012 22:02:46 Troy Kisky wrote:
--- a/drivers/net/phy/broadcom.c
+++ b/drivers/net/phy/broadcom.c

-static struct phy_driver BCM5461S_driver = {
+struct phy_driver BCM5461S_driver __phy_entry = {
why do you have to remove the static ?  that shouldn't affect the section name
that it gets placed into.

I had static to start. But the compiler ate all of the code. No references to any of the static symbols.

--- a/include/phy.h
+++ b/include/phy.h

+extern struct phy_driver __phy_entry_start, __phy_entry_end;
linker symbols should be declared like:
        extern char __phy_entry_start[];

Why char ?

+       . = ALIGN(4);
+       __phy_entry_start = .;
+       .phy_entry : {
+               KEEP(*(.phy_entry))
+       }
+       __phy_entry_end = .;
might have to introduce a helper macro like Linux's VMLINUX_SYMBOL() since
some targets have a symbol prefix (like an underscore)
Hmmm. Your right,
grep ___u_boot_cmd_start 0001-RFC-create-u-boot-common.lds.patch

finds that arch/blackfin/cpu/u-boot.lds has an extra "_"

Thanks for pointing it out.


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