Hi Graeme,

On 22.03.2012 04:58, Graeme Russ wrote:
Hello Custodians and Mailing List Aficionados,

I don't know if anyone has noticed, but patchwork is starting to collect
a rather large amount of cruft.

I occasionally jump onto patchwork and do a little housekeeping by marking
updated patches as 'Superceeded' and anything applied by Wolfgang as
'Accepted' (There may be a few patches that have been applied to custodian
tress that I marked as 'Accepted' when really they should have been marked
as 'Awaiting Upstream')

I really don't mind doing this housekeeping, but I would like to make a
few suggestions that will make the work a little easier:

  - If you are a custodian:
     o When you apply a patch to your repo, can you please assign it to
       yourself in patchwork and set it to 'Awaiting Upstream'
     o Reply to the ML with 'Applied to<repo>/<branch>'
     o When you send a pull request, create a bundle with all the patches
       that are to be pulled (you can create the bundle early and add
       patches as you apply them)
     o When Wolfgang pulls your repo, go to the bundle and mark all the
       patches 'Accepted'

  - If you are a patch submitter:
     o Visit http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/project/uboot/list/
     o Search for your patches by following the 'Filters'link and entering
       your name
     o Send and email (with 'patchwork' somewhere in the subject) to the ML
       with a list of patches that you submitted say more than one month

That's the list of patches sent in January, still no progress.

       ago. For each patch, please indicate if the patch is:
         * Superseded - By another patch (either by you or someone else)
         * Not Applicable - The patch can be ignored (was an RFC, was due
           to a misunderstanding, another patch did the same thing, etc)
         * Applied - Has been applied (state the repo and branch)
         * Rejected - Patch has been officially rejected
         * Waiting - You believe the patch is still valid but has not been
           applied (send a ping as a reply to the patch on the mailing list
           as well
I marked the patches as `awaiting upstream'.

         * Other - Please describe what state you feel the patch is in

Once I get the raw list down to a manageable level, I'll start to look at
the leftovers...

With best wishes,
U-Boot mailing list

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