
          Thank you for your reply.

     I have the U-boot source code of SAMSUNG EXYNOS SMDKV310 board. When i
compiled the U-boot source code I got uboot.bin file and bl1.bin file.
Actually bl1.bin file is extracted from the uboot.bin file by using the
mkbl2 tool(tool's source code is present in the U-boot source itself)and
used as a first stage bootloader.Uboot.bin file is used as a second stage

       "bl1.bin responsibility is to load the second stage bootloader from
the sd card to SD RAM".*I have the doubt in the bl1.bin file *how the above
mentioned transforming  is done from the following device copy function.

       #define SDMMC_ReadBlocks_eMMC_ByCPU(uNumOfBlks, uDstAddr) \
        (((void(*)(u32, u32*))(*((u32
*)EXT_eMMC43_BL2_ByCPU_ADDRESS)))(uNumOfBlks, uDstAddr))

The above MACRO is the Physical adress which is mapped to IRAM

The above indirect function is present in the following source code path


Actually I have to design the IROM code similar to SAMSUNG EXYNOS SOC.
Please Help me in this.


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