On 08/04/2012 08:35:49 AM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:

> Your registration in the mailing list has the "nodupes" flag set,
> which is documented as:
>       Avoid duplicate copies of messages?
>       When you are listed explicitly in the To: or Cc: headers of a
>       list message, you can opt to not receive another copy from the
>       mailing list. Select Yes to avoid receiving copies from the
>       mailing list; select No to receive copies.
>       If the list has member personalized messages enabled, and you
>       elect to receive copies, every copy will have a
>       X-Mailman-Copy: yes header added to it. 
> You selected that you don't want dupes, so you should not complain
> that you don't get dupes.

FYI.  I got the above message twice.  Probably because you
sent the message To: me and Cc:-ed the list instead of
sending the message To: the list and cc:-ing me.

Karl <k...@meme.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

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