The subroutines are note wrote or owned by us and we are not supposted to create or 
alter them and they work fine if called by I-descripors therefore I would believe they 
work. I have just replicated my VB.NET code in VB6 and get the same error therefore I 
am going to give up and believe that the company who wrote and own the subroutines 
have wrote them in a way that means they can not be called from UniObjects.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ross Craig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 May 2004 16:31
Subject: RE: [U2] Error 30107 when calling SubRoutines from UniObjects

You should test all of your subroutines by calling them from universe
before trying to get them to work in VB.  You can use the debugger to
step through your code.  Create a calling program in universe to pass
the subroutine the necessary parameters.

Ross Craig
Alaska Diesel Electric

-----Original Message-----
From: peter watson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:12 AM
Subject: [U2] Error 30107 when calling SubRoutines from UniObjects

I am having problems with getting a response from any subroutine

I get error number 30107 = The subroutine failed to complete

I have even tried setting Arg(0) to "" but nothing seems to work can
anyone help me please.

here is my code if anyone can tell me why its not working.

Public Function doSubRout(ByVal sRoutine As String, Optional ByVal
Params As String = "") As String
' if Connection failed exit function
If Not Connect() Then
MsgBox("No Connection", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
Exit Function
End If

Dim myErr As New UniErrors

' Exception on UniObjects Error
m_uniobject.ExceptionOnError = True

' Create subRoutine Object
Dim cu As Object = m_uniobject.Subroutine("MVACNOT", 4)

If m_uniobject.Error <> 0 Then
MsgBox("Error: (" & m_uniobject.Error & ") " +
End If

' Get date in Universe format
Dim Tod As New UniDate
Dim sDate As String = Tod.GetUniDate(DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 20,


' Set subRoutine arguments
cu.SetArg(0, "")
If cu.Error <> 0 Then
MsgBox("Error: (" & cu.Error & ") " + myErr.getErrStr(cu.Error))
End If
cu.SetArg(1, "ZA4")
If cu.Error <> 0 Then
MsgBox("Error: (" & cu.Error & ") " + myErr.getErrStr(cu.Error))
End If
cu.SetArg(2, sDate)
If cu.Error <> 0 Then
MsgBox("Error: (" & cu.Error & ") " + myErr.getErrStr(cu.Error))
End If
cu.SetArg(3, "OW")
If cu.Error <> 0 Then
MsgBox("Error: (" & cu.Error & ") " + myErr.getErrStr(cu.Error))
End If

' call the subRoutine

If cu.Error <> 0 Then
MsgBox("Error: (" & cu.Error & ") " + myErr.getErrStr(cu.Error))
' Display results
MsgBox("Args: " & cu.GetArg(0) & "," & cu.GetArg(1) & "," & cu.GetArg(2)
& "," & cu.GetArg(3))
End If

Catch ex As Exception
' Error handling
If cu.Error <> 0 Then
MsgBox(ex.Message + vbCrLf + "UniVerse : Error: (" & cu.Error & ") " +
End If
Return ""
End Try

' Return Result
Return "Args: " & cu.GetArg(0) & "," & cu.GetArg(1) & "," & cu.GetArg(2)
& "," & cu.GetArg(3)
End Function

This is the first line of the subRoutine I need to call

When the system calls this subroutine internally it uses the following



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