Hi Karla,
What is the differention you are trying to assert?
I presume you are using the UOJ classes. A java session is a uvcs session -
which is "like" a phantom but for licencing takes up a user if that's what
you're worried about ;-) @tty will be "uvcs". You can't change that.
However, if you were really masochistic you could create a java app that
used the telnet protocol to log in and run whatever... that would then
appear to be a "regular" session.

> Hi to all!!
> Im Karla and Im  developing a system in Java that connects to UniVerse.
> And not sure if you know how to help me.
> Our Aplication creates PHANTOM processes in Universe. Do you happen
> to know how can I make them regular ones. (e.g. NOT PHANTOM)??

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