We have recently upgraded our HP-UX systems, from old boxes that ran at
10Mb/s half duplex, to new ones that run at 100Mb/s full duplex. We have
quite a few terminals, which either run at 10Mb/s half duplex, or talk
serially to HP terminal servers which run at 10Mb/s half duplex.
Since the upgrade, we have noticed a lot of jerkiness when displaying full
screens in UniVerse, or in ED when printing a page to the screen. Typically
one third of the screen will be displayed, then a pause of almost a second,
then the remainder of the screen.
Needless to say, PCs running at 100Mb full duplex now display screens
faster, and with no jerkiness.
Apart from throttling the HPs back to 10 MB = duplex, does anyone have any
ideas how to fix this? Interestingly, I can't repeat this problem at the
Unix level - only from UniVerse (10.0.16).
The HPs are connected to switches, which in some cases are the same switch
as the terminals.

David Norman
Senior Systems Engineer
SA Ambulance Service
Box 3, GPO
Adelaide, South Australia 5001
*+61 8 8274 0384
fax +61 8 8271 4844
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