This is precisely the reason why I don't want to get into a shooting match.
People spend more time focusing on product comparisons, competitive
positioning, and posturing metaphors like "tricycles" than they do on just
appreciating products for their own merits.  This is an election year in the
USA, I see enough hash slung at candidates, I'd rather hear what the
individuals have to offer.

It's not like the entire MV community is on the fence trying to decide
between one product and another.  Visage is in a crowd with other products
that have had their time to appeal to the prospect base, and those who are
going to use them are largely already there.  DesignBais is a response to
the established offering and I believe it responds well.

My CDBMA presentation will profile DesignBais as a product, and put into
perspective why Nebula R&D is adopting and recommending the software.  I
intend to give a brief but fair comparison to other offerings like Visage,
FlashCONNECT, Web Wizard, and Coyote (products often perceived to be in the
same space) but this isn't a competitive marketing effort, and there will
not be a checklist of features to see how various products measure up.

Patrick, I haven't heard from Ross yet.  If you can give me a remote view of
the current release I'll be happy to give it fair mention.  I just won't be
dominating the talk with references to software other than DesignBais.


Patrick Williams wrote:

> Tony,
> Why not get into a shooting match?  Match Visage Designer and Visage
> BIT feature for feature...
>  especially true file locking and those systems requirements that
>  will shoot back at you if they are "too simple" to really work.
>  And tricycles are simpler than two wheelers but we managed to make
>  the jump because we saw the greater advantage!
>  Kindest regards,
>  Patrick Williams, President
> Raleigh, NC
> 919-567-0042
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