Although I have used UniVerse more that UniData, I believe that the ODBC
connections and SQL is easier on UniVerse than UniData, this probably is due
to Datastage development.  UniVerse also has an authorization statement in
BASIC which allows a program to run at a higher security level than the user
has rights to, UniData does not have this.

I know there are some large UniVerse sites, but I don't know to what size
UniData can scale to.  UniData has a sophisticated recovery File System, but
I think Dynamic files are better on UniVerse.

IBM is providing the same client facilities to both although some items may
be released 6 months earlier in one product than another, but this is mixed
for both product lines.

With the editors, UniDebbuer comes with both products and it is a reasonable
GUI editor.

Both are good databases,  so the best is to work out what you are looking
for to choose the database


David Jordan
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