For the first day after a reboot, our Universe application seems to be
extraordinarily slow; dramatically slower than what I've seen on other
systems, and maybe worse than how this system used to be after reboots
(subjective assessment).

For several hours after reboot users weep and gnash their teeth over the
slowness .  By the end of a normal workday things seem to be back to
normal.  I *think* the performance improvement is gradual during those
first several hours.

The important thing to note is that there are generally no performance
complaints -- except for after a system reboot.   Poor performance after
reboot is predictable.

Fortunately, reboots are few and far between.

Has anyone else seen this sort of thing?  I'm fishing for ideas here.
The only thing I can think of has to do with loading buffer cache.  A
stable system that has been running for a while would tend to have that
day's current data cached, eliminating many disk reads that would be
needed on a freshly booted system.  But I don't know,  it seems quite a
stretch as an entire explanation.

Some relevant info:
HPUX 11i
UV 10.0.16
8GB buffer cache
~ 300 UV processes
No other application, except services supporting the UV based ap.
~  30GB of UV data in active data files.  Files are well sized
(thank-you FAST and type 30), although some have huge data records that
have outgrown original design.
Typical application with typical mix of updates / reports.
RedBack used heavily, with slowdown there, too.

Again, any suggestions must speak to the difference between speeds of
newly-rebooted vs. a stable system,  not just general performance

Charles Stevenson
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