much snippage....
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Norman Morgan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I am brand new to UniData after using Pick/D3 
>with SB+ for 9 years
>Over the last 9 years, I have accumulated about 1000 Basic
>programs that I must now convert to UD.  I have looked for a 
>concise list of differences between D3 Basic and UD Basic, 
>but can't find one. I have run
>into a few snags so far, things that just won't compile, but I am also
>concerned about hidden gotchas ... subtle differences in 
>behavior where the
>syntax appears to be compatible.  Can anyone point me toward 
>such a list?

I thought there was a conversion utility, but it's been quite a while
since we went from Pick to UniData (also on SB+). But I can't find it
perhaps I was thinking of the NTMigrate utilities.

>Among the things I have encountered so far:
>1.     No FOLD function in UniBasic

Also, no assigned() function. You can use UNASSIGNED() - but not
against a file variable (use fileinfo).

>2.     variable = @COMMAND instead of TCLREAD variable
>3.     Reading/writing directly to Unix files: no 

You can use openseq, readseq, writeseq and closeseq. Also osopen, osbread,
osbwrite, etc. These can use the full path or you can create a DIR type
file which creates a directory at the OS level with each item a file in
that directory. 

>4.     No SP-ASSIGN ? syntax to query the current printer assignment

see getptr (basic) and setptr (TCL)

>5.     No ACCESS(10) to use in routines called from a 
>dictionary item to get the
>current item ID.

No access variables at all. Most are in the '@' variables though.
Dictionaries are quite different. SB+ will create them for you - but
they are certainly not "elegant."

>6.     More reserved words than D3
>I am sure there is a lot more that I haven't stumbled across yet.

DATA was the only one that really bit me. The queue is kept longer in 
UniData than it was in Pick.

Since you are using SB+ it sets up the environment as "Pick-like" so most
things will feel very familiar. You need to be careful if you are not 
working in an SB+ account as it will use the UniData style command parser
(and compiler) so some basic commands and many TCL commands work differently.
These are pretty much identified in the manuals - but on a command by command
basis. If you do want to use UniData style syntax on TCL commands you can simply
enter the command in lower case (at least the first letter). This can be really

Here are some of my 'cheat-sheets':


The AE editor kicks ED's butt. See especially, EV, IV, RV, DV, CM.
I like the debugger much better.
The way programs are catalogued is quite different. You can actually compile
programs that people are running without throwing them to the debugger.
Although Pick seems much better at "Access" type reports - especially when using

Good luck, and don't be afraid to ask if you get stuck on something.
Colin Alfke
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