If You correct the second example so the loop stops when the list is exhausted
it will be the same.
They are very likely to compile to exactly the same pseudo-code.
And even if they don't the body of the loop is so heavy, having a write and a read
and a delete in it, so You've no chance whatsoever of ever noticing the difference.

For timing issues regard a read as calling a subroutine with hundreds of executed lines
and a write or delete as even larger.
Not to speak of those times when the logical read/write results in physical I/O
and not only operates in the buffers - then we are talking _milliseconds_
and any difference between Your examples would be a nano-seconds
- in both cases per iteration.

-- mats


I've seen 2 ways to read a client key, change the length to 6 digits, then
write it back out, delete the old one and move on:

EXAMPLE 1 of 2:
!(FIXEMPNO) - Fix the employee number length
     open '','CUSTEMP' to CF else stopm 'Not'
     select CF
10:   readnext K else stop
     read REC from CF,K then
        NK = fmt(K,"R%6")
        write REC on CF,NK
        delete CF,K
     go 10

EXAMPLE 2 of 2:
!(FIXEMPNO) - Fix the employee number length
     DONE = 0
     open '','CUSTEMP' to CF else stopm 'Not'
     select CF
        readnext K else DONE = 1
     read REC from CF,K then
        NK = fmt(K,"R%6")
        write REC on CF,NK
        delete CF,K

My intent is not to start a religious discussion about GO or GOTOs because
I see that method all over the place and regardless of why, who or
whatever, my question is, which is faster. (I prefer using loop..repeat
syntax, FWIW).
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